Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie

(O): Regular talks of the Oberseminar (For internal talks, see the webpage of our Research Seminar.)

(S): Talks that additionally are part of the "Seminar on Differential Geometry and Analysis", co-organized by Hans-Christoph Grunau, Miles Simon (Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg) and Roger Bielawski, Knut Smoczyk (Leibniz Universität Hannover). 

All talks in Winter 2024/25 take place at LUH in Callinstraße 23 (Mensa), Raum 016.

(M): Meetings that take place in Magdeburg.

For any questions regarding the information on this webpage please contact Nikolas Eptaminitakis.

Winter semester 2024

21.11.2024 (O) 15:00-16:00

Prof. Dr. Shubham Dwivedi (Hamburg)

Title: Geometric flows of G2 and Spin(7)-structures

Abstract: We will discuss a family of flows of G2-structures on seven dimensional Riemannian manifolds. These flows are negative gradient flows of natural energy functionals involving various torsion components of G2-structures. We will prove short-time existence and uniqueness of solutions to the flows and a priori estimates for some specific flows in the family. We will discuss analogous flows of Spin(7)-structures. This talk is based on arXiv:2311.05516 (joint work with P. Gianniotis and S. Karigiannis) and arXiv:2404.00870.

21.11.2024 (O)


Prof. Dr. Sebastian Goette (Freiburg)

Title: Moduli Spaces of G2-Manifolds

Abstract: We recall the notion of holonomy G2 manifolds and their moduli spaces. By a result of Joyce, the G2-moduli space of M is a manifold of dimension b3(M). For some M, it is not connected, otherwise not much is known about its global structure. We will show that for certain examples, the moduli space can have nontrivial elements in its second homotopy group. Joint with Thorsten Hertl.
05.12.2024 (O) 15:00-16:00 Dr. Ksenia Fedosova (Münster) Title: Inhomogeneous Laplace equation on modular surface and
its application to the string theory

Abstract: Low-energy expansion of scattering amplitudes of elementary particles arising in
string theory are often linked to an inhomogeneous Laplace equation. For example,
for the IIB string theory in 10+1 dimensions and scattering of 4-gravitons, the
equation is the inhomogeneous Laplace equation on the modular surface, where
the inhomogeneous part contains products of Eisenstein series. In this talk, we
discuss how to solve this partial differential equation. Additionally, from asymptotic
behavior of its solutions we obtain exact identities for infinite convolution sums of
even divisor functions weighted by Laurent polynomials with logarithms.
05.12.2024 (O) 16:30-17:30 Prof. Dr Daniel Grieser (Oldenburg) Title: Local Geometry of Singular Spaces

Abstract: Singular spaces arise in many contexts in mathematics: as level sets of maps (e.g. as algebraic varieties), as moduli spaces etc. Often they have a dense open subset which is a smooth manifold, and are equipped with a metric which is smooth (i.e. Riemannian) on this subset.
While the local geometry of a Riemannian metric is well understood, the behavior of the metric, and of metric objects like geodesics, near singular points is still largely mysterious in many cases. I will give a survey of various aspects of this problem, and in particular explain joint work with Lye, Beyer and Grandjean.
16.01.2025 (O) 15:00-16:00 Prof. Dr. Alexander Grigor'yan (Bielefeld)

Title: Leibenson's equation on Riemannian manifolds

Abstract: We consider on an arbitrary Riemannian manifold the Leibenson equation utpuq, where Δp is the p-Laplace-Beltrami operator. This equation comes from hydrodynamics where it describes filtration of a turbulent compressible liquid in porous medium. Our main result is that if p>1 and q>1/(p-1)  then bounded solutions of
this equation have finite propagation speed. In Rn this result has been long known due to explicit Barenblatt solutions. The proof on manifolds is based on a certain mean value inequality for subsolutions. This work is joint with Philipp Sürig.

16.01.2025 (O) 16:30-17:30 Prof. Dr. Julian Scheuer (Frankfurt) Title: Foliations of null hypersurfaces by surfaces of constant curvature near MOTS

Abstract: Recently, Henri Roesch and myself have studied a mean curvature flow in null hypersurfaces to prove the existence of MOTS under some relatively weak assumptions on the null hypersurface. In a continuation of this approach, together with Wilhelm Klingenberg and Ben Lambert we prove the existence of foliations of null hypersurfaces near MOTS by certain constant curvature surfaces. In this talk we have a look at a modified null mean curvature flow to construct such foliations.

Summer semester 2024

18.04.2024 (O) 15:00-16:00

Prof. Dr. Guofang Wang

(Universität Freiburg)

Title: Capillary hypersurfaces: Geometric inequalities, flows and related problems

Abstract: In this talk, we first introduce geometric quantities for capillary hypersurfaces, and then establish isoperimetric type inequalities, Alexandrov-Fenchel inequalities, by studying corresponding geometric flows. We will also talk about a related Minkowski type problem and other related problems. The talk is based on a joint work with Chao Xia and other collaborators.

18.04.2024 (O)


Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm

(Universität Bonn)

Title: Metric Measure Spaces and Synthetic Ricci Bounds

Abstract: Metric measure spaces with synthetic Ricci bounds have attracted great interest in recent years, accompanied by spectacular breakthroughs and deep new insights. The talk will provide a brief introduction to the concept of uniform lower Ricci bounds as introduced by Lott–Villani and myself, and illustrate some of its geometric, analytic, and probabilistic consequences.
Finally, I will present the more general concept of metric measure spaces (X,d,m) with distribution-valued lower Ricci bounds

  • for which we prove the equivalence with sharp gradient estimates,
  •  the class of which will be preserved under time changes with arbitrary Lipschitz functions, and
  •  which are satisfied for the Neumann Laplacian on arbitrary semi-convex subsets of X.
25.04.2024 (M) 15:00-16:00

Dr. Pak-Yeung Chan

(UC San Diego/Warwick University)

Title: Gap theorem for nonnegatively curved manifolds

Abstract: In this seminar, we shall discuss some recent results on the gap theorem of nonnegatively curved manifolds with small curvature in an average integral sense, which can be viewed as a Riemannian analogue of the optimal gap result by Ni on Kaehler manifolds. In dimension 3, we also establish a gap theorem for Ricci nonnegative manifolds with pointwise quadratic curvature decay and fast average integral curvature decay. This talk is based on some joint works with Man-Chun Lee.

25.04.2024 (M) 16:30-17:30

Dr. Huy Nguyen

(Queen Mary University of London)

Title: Mean Curvature Flow in the Sphere

Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss some recent results analysing singularities of the mean curvature flow in the sphere both in the hypersurface case and the high codimension case.

06.06.2024 (O) 15:00-16:00

Dr. Riccardo Tione

(MPI Leipzig)

Title: On the Lawson-Osserman conjecture

Abstract: In 1977, H.B. Lawson and R. Osserman conjectured that Lipschitz maps which are critical with respect to outer variations of the area functional are also critical with respect to domain variations. In this talk I will present a solution to this conjecture in the planar case. This result was obtained in collaboration with J. Hirsch and C. Mooney.

06.06.2024 (O) 16:30-17:30

Prof. Dr. Christian Bär

(Universität Potsdam)

Title: A holographic index theorem and applications to scalar curvature geometry

Abstract: In the first part of the talk I will discuss a "holographic" index theorem for compact manifolds with boundary. It relates the index of a boundary value problem to the index of an operator on the boundary. It will then be applied to scalar curvature geometry. We will show a ridigidity theorem for scalar curvature on certain warped product spaces. This implies, in particular, Llarull's theorem for the punctured sphere, as conjectured by Gromov.
This is based on joint work with Simon Brendle, Bernhard Hanke, and Yipeng Wang.

04.07.2024 (S) 15:00-16:00

Prof. Dr. Luciano Mari

(University of Milan)

Title: Prescribing the Lorentzian mean curvature of a spacelike hypersurface, and the Born-Infeld model

Abstract: The talk aims to introduce the reader to the existence and regularity problem for spacelike hypersurfaces in Lorentz-Minkowski space whose mean curvature is a prescribed measure. The class includes, for instance, maximal surfaces with point singularities. Motivation comes from General Relativity and from the electrostatic Born-Infeld theory, according to which the graph function represents the electric potential and its mean curvature the given charge distribution. Various open problems will be discussed. The talk is based on joint works with J. Byeon, N. Ikoma, A. Malchiodi and L. Maniscalco.
04.07.2024 (S) 16:30-17:30

Prof. Dr. Boris Vertman

(Universität Oldenburg)

Title: Microlocal Analysis on manifolds with fibered boundaries

Abstract: We discuss spectral geometric questions on on some non-compact manifolds with fibered boundaries. Main examples include non-compact complete hyper-Kähler 4-manifolds and scattering spaces. We discuss how such spaces naturally arise in the analysis of analytic torsion under degeneration of a smooth compact manifold to a space with conical singularities. This is a recent project with Jørgen Olsen Lye.


Winter semester 2023/2024

15 Uhr (s.t.)

Prof. Dr. Benoit Charbonneau (University of Waterloo)

Title: Symmetric Instantons

Abstract: With Spencer Whitehead, we developed a systematic framework to study instantons on R^4 that are invariant under groups of isometries. In this presentation, I will describe this framework and some results obtained using it.


Unusual Day and Location: Welfengarten 1 (Hauptgebäude), G005

17:00-18:00 Prof. Dr. Niels Martin Møller (University of Copenhagen) Title: Rigidity of the grim reaper cylinder as a collapsed self-translating soliton

Abstract: Mean curvature flow self-translating solitons are minimal hypersurfaces for a certain incomplete conformal background metric, and are among the possible singularity models for the flow. In the collapsed case, they are confined to slabs in space. The simplest non-trivial such example, the grim reaper curve $\Gamma$ in $\mathbb{R}^2$, has been known since 1956, as an explicit ODE-solution, which also easily gave its uniqueness.

We consider here the case of surfaces, where the rigidity result for $\Gamma\times\mathbb{R}$ that we'll show is:
The grim reaper cylinder is the unique (up to rigid motions) finite entropy unit speed self-translating surface which has width equal to $\pi$ and is bounded from below. (Joint with Impera & Rimoldi.)

Time permitting, we'll also discuss recent uniqueness results in the collapsed simply-connected low entropy case (w/ E.S. Gama & F. Martín), using Morse theory and nodal set techniques, which extend Chini's classification.
07.12.2023 (S) 16:30-17:30

Dr. Enno Keßler (Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Naturwissenschaften Leipzig)

Title: Super J-holomorphic curves

Abstract: J-holomorphic curves or pseudoholomorphic curves are maps from Riemann
surfaces to almost Kähler manifolds satisfying the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
J-holomorphic curves are of great interest because they allow to construct
invariants of symplectic manifolds and those invariants are deeply related to
topological superstring theory. A crucial step towards Gromov–Witten
invariants is the compactification of the moduli space of J-holomorphic curves
via stable maps.

In this talk, I want to report on a supergeometric generalization of J-
holomorphic curves and stable maps where the domain is a super Riemann
surface. Super Riemann surfaces have first appeared in superstring theory as
generalizations of Riemann surfaces with an additional anti-commutative
variable. Super J-holomorphic curves are solutions to a system of partial
differential equations on the underlying Riemann surface coupling the Cauchy-
Riemann equation with a Dirac equation for spinors. I will explain how to
construct moduli spaces of super J-holomorphic curves, their compactification
via super stable maps in genus zero and hint at a possible generalization of
Gromov-Witten invariants.

07.12.2023 (S) 15:00-16:00  Prof. Dr. Francisco Martin (University of Granada) Title: Semi-graphical Translators of the Mean Curvature Flow

Abstract: A soliton is a special solution to a partial differential equation that maintains its shape and moves at a constant velocity. In the context of mean curvature flow, a translating soliton is a solution to the mean curvature flow equation that moves by a constant velocity in the direction of a vector. Translating solitons are particularly interesting because they provide insights into the behavior of evolving surfaces. On the other hand, we say that a surface is semi-graphical if when we remove a discrete set of vertical lines, then the resulting surface is the graph of a smooth function. We are going to provide a classification of all the semi-graphical translator in Euclidean 3-space. First, we will describe a comprehensive zoo of all examples of this type of translators, and then we will focus on classification arguments. We will conclude with some open problems. This talk summarizes various joint works with D. Hoffman and B. White, on one hand, and with M. Saez and R. Tsiamis, on the other.
18.01.2024 16:30-17:30 Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Hein (Universität Münster)

Title: A gluing construction for complex surfaces with hyperbolic cusps

Abstract: We will describe an example of a degeneration of degree 6 algebraic surfaces in CP^3 with only ordinary triple point singularities on its central fiber. Then we will show how the unique negative Kähler-Einstein metrics on the smooth fibers, which exist by the Aubin-Yau theorem, disintegrate into three distinct geometric pieces on approach to the central fiber: (1) Kobayashi's complete Kähler-Einstein metric on the complement of the triple points, (2) long thin neck regions, and (3) Tian-Yau's complete Ricci-flat Kähler metrics in small neighborhoods of the vanishing cycles. Joint work with Xin Fu and Xumin Jiang.

18.01.2024 15:00-16:00 Prof. Dr. Jason D. Lotay (University of Oxford)

Title: Translators in Lagrangian mean curvature flow

Abstract: Lagrangian mean curvature flow is potentially a powerful tool in solving problems in symplectic topology.  One of the key challenges is the understanding of formation of singularities, which is conjectured to have links to J-holomorphic curves, stability conditions and the Fukaya category.   Unlike the usual mean curvature flow for hypersurfaces, here one is expected to have to tackle singularities modelled on translating solutions to the flow.   I will describe joint work with Felix Schulze and Gabor Szekelyhidi which allows one to recognize a singularity model in Lagrangian mean curvature flow as a translator - this is the first such result in any form of mean curvature flow beyond curves.


Sommer semester 2023

16:30-17:30  Prof. Dr. Ernst Kuwert (Freiburg)

Title: Curvature varifolds with orthogonal boundary.

Abstract: We consider surfaces in a domain with orthogonal boundary condition. The problem to obtain mass bounds in terms of curvature bounds leads to a varifold setting (joint work with Marius Mueller).


Prof. Dr. Oliver Schnürer (Konstanz

Title: Unbounded solutions to mean curvature flow

Abstract:We discuss several aspects of complete noncompact solutions to graphical mean curvature flow in Euclidean space in codimension one:  
1) different variants of stability and instability and 
2) beauty and the beast in mean curvature flow without singularities corresponding to nice and pathological solutions that are graphical over proper subsets of Euclidean space.

15:00-17:30  Special guests on Research Seminar Please attempt to our special guests in the Research Seminar page!


Winter semester 2022 / 2023


Prof. Tobias Lamm

(KIT Karlsruhe)

Title: Index estimates for sequences of harmonic maps
Abstract: We study the limiting behavior of the index and the nullity of sequences of harmonic maps from a two-dimensional Riemann surface into a general target manifold. We show upper and lower bounds for the index of the sequence in terms of the index of the so called bubble limit.
This is a joint work with Jonas Hirsch (Leipzig).

Dr. Athanasios Chatzikaleas

(Uni Münster)

Title:  Non-linear periodic waves in the Anti-de Sitter spacetime and islands of stability.

Abstract:  In 2006, Dafermos-Holzegel conjectured that the Anti-de Sitter spacetime is an unstable solution to the Einstein equations under reflective boundary conditions for general initial data. Rostworowski-Maliborski enhanced this conjecture by proving numerical evidence that indicate the existence of "special" initial data leading to time-periodic solutions for the Einstein-Klein-Gordon system which are in fact stable. Motivated by these, we construct families of arbitrary small time-periodic solutions to several toy models on the fixed Anti-de Sitter background providing a rigorous proof of the numerical constructions above in a simpler setting. The models we consider include the conformal cubic wave equation and the spherically-symmetric Yang-Mills equations on the fixed Anti-de Sitter spacetime and our proof relies on the modifications of a theorem of Bambursi-Paleari for which the main assumption is the existence of a seed solution, given by a non-degenerate zero of a non-linear operator associated with the resonant system.



Prof. Umberto Hryniewicz

(RWTH Aachen)

Title:  A Poincaré-Birkhoff Theorem for 3-Dimensional Energy Levels

Abstract:  In subcritical energy levels of the planar circular restricted 3-body problem (PCR3BP) Poincaré encountered special periodic orbits that span an annular global section for the flow. This motivated the formulation of what is known today as the Poincaré-Birkhoff theorem, from where Poincaré derived beautiful applications to the PCR3BP. In this talk I would like to explain how the action functional from classical mechanics can be used to prove analogous statements for more general systems. This is based on joint work with Al Momin and Pedro Salomão (NYU-Shanghai).
14:15-15:15  Prof. Alberto Abbondandolo
(Universität Bochum)

Systolic inequalities in Metric Symplectic Geometry

Abstract: The prototypical question of metric systolic geometry is to give upper bounds on the length of the shortest closed geodesics on a closed Riemannian manifold in terms of its volume. Systolic questions have a natural generalization to conservative dynamical systems, in which closed geodesics are replaced by periodic orbits, length by period and volume by phase space volume. This generalization turns out to be quite fruitful: on the one hand, symplectic methods allow us to solve some long standing questions in metric systolic geometry, on the other hand many interesting new questions arise. These new questions are related to challenging open problems in symplectic and in convex geometry. This talk is based on joint works with Gabriele Benedetti, Barney Bramham, Umberto Hryniewicz and Pedro Salomão.

16:00-17:00  Prof. Patrick Dondl
(Universität Freiburg)

Phase field models with connectedness constrains


15:00-16:00  Prof. Klaus Kröncke
(KTH Stockholm )

Local and Global Scalar curvature rigidity of Einstein Manifolds


Summer semester 2022

14:15-15:15  Elena Mäder-Baumdicker
Compactification of Minimal flowers and their Morse Index
14:15-15:15 Christian Rose
Compact manifolds with Kato-bounded Ricci curvature
14:15-15:15 Mario Schulz
Free boundary minimal surfaces in the unit ball


Winter semester 2021 / 2022

14:15-15:15  Hartmut Weiß
Parabolic Higgs bundles and gravitational instantons
14:15-15:15 Gianmichele di Matteo
Double bubbles with high constant mean curvature in closed manifolds
14:15-15:15  Leandro Pessoa
Stochastic half-space theorems for minimal surfaces of R³ and 1-surfaces of H³
14:15-15:15  Andreas Savas-Halilaj
(University of Ioannina)
Graphical mean curvature flow in codimension 2


Winter semester 2019 / 2020

15:00-16:00 Massimiliano Morini
Nonlinear stability results for nonlocal gradient flows (txt-Datei)
16:30-17:30 Ovidiu Munteanu
(Storrs, Connecticut)
Green's function estimates and the Poisson equation (txt-Datei)
15:00-16:00 Jonas Hirsch
(Universität Leipzig)
Nonclassical minimizing surfaces with smooth boundary
16:30-17:30 Vladimir Matveev
(Universität Jena)
Nijenhuis Geometry: singularities and global issues
15:00-16:00 Gilles Carron
(Université de Nantes)
Volume growth estimates on complete Riemannian manifolds
16:30-17:30 Carla Cederbaum
(Universität Tübingen)
On CMC-foliations of asymptotically flat manifolds


Summer semester 2019

15:00-16:00             Matteo Novaga
(Università di Pisa)
Anisotropic and crystalline mean curvature flow


16:30-17:30 Alix Deruelle
(Sorbonne Université Paris)
Classification of asymptotically conical 2D shrinking gradient Kähler-Ricci solitons
06.06.2019 15:00-16:00 Karin Melnick
(University of Maryland)
A D'Ambra Theorem in conformal Lorentzian geometry
06.06.2019 16:30-17:30 Volker Branding
(Universität Wien)
Higher order generalizations of harmonic maps
15:00-16:00 Tobias Weth
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Critical domains for the first nonzero Neumann eigenvalue in Riemannian manifolds
16:30-17:30 Boris Vertman
(Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg)
Perelman Entropies on Singular spaces